EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021
Activities are dedicated to the movement of children, social protection, educational support services, the launch of a restorative justice approach for young offenders and the preservation of cultural heritage in small towns.
Projects financed through the open call for proposals „Smart Youth Work“
All submitted projects were evaluated by the following independent experts:
- Ms Maarja Vollmer, sociologist, co-author of a research study "Using infotechnological means in youth work" (2016, Institute of Baltic Studies, e-Governance Academy);
- Mr Anzori Barkalaja, head of the Education Innovation Centre of the University of Tartu in years 2015-2019, while also the international student start-up programme Digi Youth was launched;
- Mr Innar Liiv, PhD, Tallinn University of Technology, School of Information Technologies, Department of Software Science, Associate Professor.
The members of the 2nd level Selection Committee evaluation were:
- Mr Marcus Ehasoo – chairperson of the Board of the Federation of the Estonian Student Unions;
- Mr Juha Kiviniemi – planning officer at Verke, the Centre of Expertise for Digital Youth Work Finland;
- Ms Krista Dreger – culture and youth work specialist at Harku Rural Municipality Government.
1. Cyber Training Programme for Youth and Youth Workers
Project Promoter: CTF-Tech Ltd
Project partners: University of Tartu and CybExer Technologies Ltd
Project duration: 28.12.2021 – 29.02.2024
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 1 029 456,59
Project grant rate: 84,65%
Project objective is to raise knowledge and hygine among the youth in the cyber world. The project is focused on the organisation of a gaming cyber security competition “Cyber Battle of Estonia”, throughout Estonia for youths aged 15-21 that is preceded and followed by gaming cyber learning/hobby learning activities, together with materials supporting the given process. As a whole it would create a year-round voluntary cyber security hobby learning programme for youths and youth workers offering them the essential cyber-skills via a practical and visually engaging technology at one’s home environment.
The project activities will result in developing an e-learning platform and creation of the teaching material (content) for the youth, as well as in increasing the capacity of municipal governments, youth workers and organisations of the field of youths and for establishing the taking into use of smart youth work solutions.
The skills of the youth workers and youths will ultimately improve in an understanding of the principle fields of cyber security (network security, web application security, digital forensics, cryptography); understanding cyber hygiene and responsible behaviour in cyberspace; understanding of cyber threats and the skill to protect oneself from them; what is ethical hacking or increasing cyber security through the method of trial and error (concept and methods) and taking into consideration legal and ethical norms; understanding of the functioning of cyber security competitions, as well as the technical skills to solve cyber challenges, in such type of gaming environments.
Ms Marki Tihhonova-Kreek (e-mail: [email protected]; tel: +372 50 89 776)
2. Digital Leap in the Field of Youth
Project Promoter: Education and Youth Board
Project partners: University of Tartu, Tallinn University, the Association of Estonian Open Youth Centres and the Estonian Association of Youth Workers
Project duration: 01.03.2022 – 30.04.2024
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 871 435,00
Project grant rate: 100%
Project objective is to increase the digital capacity in local governments in the field of youth work by creating innovative smart solutions that are youth centred for the better quality of youth work (including e-participation opportunities) as well as raising the digital competence of youth workers through the development of a learning environment and thematic trainings. The project strives to contribute to reaching a wider goal where the specialists dealing with the youth are able to – in addition to evaluating and developing one’s own digital competence skills – offer versatile learning and evolving possibilities to the youth corresponding to the trends of the future and via that also giving their input into the development of the society as a whole, incl. the green transition.
The project activities will result in the creation of the e-participation platform enabling the youth to raise their ideas and problematic areas through digital solutions and include youths through participatory democracy in the decision-making processes at municipal government level.
The project will also deliver a model of digital competence and evaluation means for youth workers and will train at least 100 youth workers in at least 48 local governments in order to raise their capacity to implement smart youth work solutions in their work.
Mr Roger Tibar (e-post: [email protected]; tel: +372 53 066 939)
Projects financed through the small grant scheme „Developing Restorative Justice Measures in Estonia II“
All submitted projects were evaluated by the following independent experts:
- Ms Jana Laht-Ventmann – consultant, Department for Juvenile Crimes and Crimes of Violence Committed in Close Relationships, Northern District Prosecutor's Office;
- Ms Kadri-Ann Lee – Civitta Ltd consultant (previously an adviser, Public Order and Criminal Policy Department, Ministry of the Interior);
- Ms Helika Saar – Children’s' Rights Programme manager, Estonian Union for Child Welfare.
The members of the 2nd level Selection Committee evaluation were:
- Ms Laidi Surva – adviser, Criminal Policy Department, Ministry of Justice;
- Ms Anu Leps – adviser, Criminal Policy Department, Ministry of Justice;
- Ms Triin Mäger – case manager at the Child Protection Services of Pärnu city government.
1. Application of restorative justice measures in school environment
Project Promoter: Foundation Development Centre for the Unique School
Project partners: Foundation Werrone, Pärnu-Jaagupi elementary school, Tartu Hansa school
Project duration: 14.07.2022–30.04.2024
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 121,900.00
Project grant rate: 90%
Project objective is to prepare the teams of teachers at the three pilot schools for the implementation of restorative justice practices, to prepare trainers who are ready to work with schools in the educational landscape, to expand the network of schools, starting with the training of implementation teams for the next three schools, and to develop all of the necessary materials for the above.
The project activities will result in a teacher training programme developed and teams of teachers from three pilot schools trained, including the preparation of the necessary support materials and an e-training module as well as a training programme for trainers developed and at least 10 trainers trained, and a handbook for trainers will be completed. Additionally, three new school implementation teams are carried in order to more broadly support the spread of restorative justice practices in Estonian schools. Two (2) outreach events are carried out for Estonian schools, in order to introduce the experiences of implementing restorative justice in schools, the results of impact assessment and project results to the wider community plus 1 online information seminar for representatives from local governments is held.
Ms Reili Pae, development manager at the Foundation Development Centre for the Unique School (e-mail: [email protected]; tel: +372 56 500 710)
2. A community based on the principles of restorative justice
Project Promoter: Rapla Municipal Government
Project partners: Police And Border Guard Board, Alu school, Hagudi elementary school, Juuru Eduard Vilde school, Kabala kindergarten & elementary School, Kaiu kindergarten "Triinutare", Kaiu elementary school, Juuru kindergarten "Sinilill", Raikküla school, Rapla City Centre school, Rapla kindergarten "Kelluke", Rapla kindergarten "Naksitrallid", Rapla kindergarten "Päkapikk", open youth centre of Rapla municipality, Rapla Vesiroosi shool
Project duration: 18.07.2022–30.04.2024
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 49,856.40
Project grant rate: 100%
Project objective is to provide systematic professional cooperation within the local government to resolve community conflicts or offences relying on the principles of restorative justice, which is a safe and people-centred community. When resolving conflicts and offences, the goal is set to heal community relations, which is based on restorative justice resolution processes. With our restorative justice training we encourage everyone to contribute and improve their skills, diversify prevention work and make it more systematic and targeted, promote a community-centred, network-based approach, and improve cooperation between different partners.
The project activities will result in training conflict mediators according to the Belinda Hopkins model as well as training of the facilitators of Restorative Circles. Activities include awareness-raising activities (distribution of materials) and carrying out awareness campaigns on restorative justice. Ultimately, restorative justice measures (conflict mediation, restorative circle) are being implemented in the community (including in the local kindergarten, school, youth centre, local government and police work) for different cases.
Project manager: Ms Piret Jaakberg, child protection worker at the Rapla Municipal Government (e-mail: [email protected]; tel: +372 55 38 411)
3. Applying restorative justice measures in Muhu community
Project Promoter: Muhu Municipal Government
Project duration: 04.08.2022–30.04.2024
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 54,739.00
Project grant rate: 100%
Project objective is to use the principles and methodology of restorative justice together with the community, educational institutions and local specialists to prevent possible problems and conflicts and to resolve situations or actions that have already arisen. Through this, we make the community a safer, more tolerant and supportive place, supporting children’s law-abiding behaviour and problem-solving skills. With the project, we raise the awareness of the community in order to be able to notice conflicts and actions and react to them skilfully in order to restore the previous situation. Restorative justice adds value to everyday communication.
The project activities will result in:
ü 36 people trained in Muhu by 2024, including 24 specialists dealing with children and young people, who have knowledge of the principles of restorative justice that support the community, children and young people.
ü involving children with special needs in regular school is more effective.
ü regular discussion panels held for the community, with 100 people having participated.
ü an online platform created for sharing current topics and organising trainings.
ü In conflict situations, the primary choice for teachers at Muhu Basic School is the restorative justice approach.
Ms Anneli Tõru, social and child protection specialist at Muhu local government (e-mail: [email protected]; tel: +372 56 646 773).
4. Application of restorative justice measures in milieu therapy
Project Promoter: NGO Home of Oskar Allik
Project duration: 06.09.2022–29.02.2024
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 64,997.50
Project grant rate: 90%
Project objective is to integrate restorative justice-based approaches and methods into the provision of support services for children and adolescents with abuse, trauma and mental health problems in milieu-based therapeutic residential care homes across Estonia.
The project activities will result in 9 milieu therapists (OAK team) trained in restorative justice and digital instructional material concerning the application of restorative justice methods in youth therapy prepared as well as mentoring programme has been established. By the end of the project at least 15 current/future milieu therapists from all over Estonia will have participated in it.
Ms Signe Somelar-Erikson, project manager at the NGO Home of Oskar Allik (e-mail: [email protected]; tel: +372 53 431 027)
5. Developing restorative justice measures in Tartu city
Project Promoter: Tartu City Government
Project duration: 01.08.2022–31.05.2023
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 53,880.00
Project grant rate: 100%
Project objective is to raise the awareness of Tartu child protection officials and other professionals working with children and families about restorative justice interventions, in addition to specific competencies in applying the methodology, which as a result supports the well-being of children and families and early recognition of the need for help. As a result of the project, specialists working with children and families understand the ways of thinking of restorative justice and know in which cases to use it, and are ready to apply the methodology in their work, including the case management model for dealing with young people who have committed an offense.
The project activities will result in trained child protection professionals who are case managers in their work with children and families have acquired effective skills in restorative justice intervention: conflict resolution, mediation, remedial circles, restorative consultation and effective conversation.
Ms Katrin Joost, child protection specialist at the Tartu City Government (e-mail: [email protected]; tel: +372 50 42 653)
Projects financed through the open call for proposals „Integrated services provision to prevent early school leaving “
All submitted projects were evaluated by the following independent experts:
- Ms Häli Tarum – former head of the Social Welfare Department, Ministry of Social Affairs, current refugee crisis adviser to the Government Office;
- Ms Marge Hindriks – Adviser to the Department of Children and Families, Ministry of Social Affairs;
- Ms Piret Sapp – Adviser in the area of Educational Leadership and Teachers' Policy, Ministry of Education and Research (Local Municipalities and School Network).
The members of the 2nd level Selection Committee evaluation were:
- Ms Gerttu Aavik – project manager in the area of inclusive education, Ministry of Education and Research;
- Ms Piret Liba – adviser in the area of inclusive education, Ministry of Education and Research;
- Ms Hille Ilves – adviser on education and youth work issues, Association of Estonian Cities and Municipalities
1. Developing an integrated service model to prevent early school leaving in Lääne-Viru county
Project Promoter: Lääne-Viru County Local Government Association
Project partners: municipalities of Lääne-Viru county (Viru-Nigula, Tapa, Vinni, Haljala, Väike-Maarja, Kadrina, Rakvere municipality and Rakvere city) as well as Social Insurance Board, Police and Border Guard Board, LEEVI LIPPASAAR Ltd and Agder fylkeskommune (NOR)
Project duration: 03.05.2022–30.04.2024
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 281,160.00
Project grant rate: 100%
The objective is that the Lääne-Viru county has a cross-county operating model and system involving different fields, which is monitored by the trained specialists of the respective network, thus ensuring early detection and effective prevention when dealing with young people at risk of dropping out of school.
The project activities will result in a local level cooperation model is developed in cooperation with various stakeholders in the county, in the process of developing and designing an integrated service. The cooperation model completed in the co-creation process will be piloted and continuously improved during the project according to the feedback and experience gained. A study visit to Agder County, Norway, will be carried out to improve the model and gain experience. During the project, instructional materials for early detection and prevention for the local government and educational institutions (separate for kindergartens and schools) will be created. Additionally, training for teachers of local government schools and kindergartens will also be conducted in each local government. A core group of teachers (kindergartens and schools) will receive training from each educational institution to enhance early detection and prevention of early school leaving. Support teams will be set up at educational institutions to share knowledge and promote networking within their school.
Ms Anu Oja, development and cooperation specialist of the Lääne-Viru County Local Government Association (e-mail: [email protected]; tel: +372 524 3927)
2. Haapsalu Integrated Support Services (HISS)
Project Promoter: Haapsalu city government
Project partners: Lääne-Nigula municipality and More og Romsdal fylkeskokommune (NOR)
Project duration: 29.04.2022–31.03.2024
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 233,617.00
Project grant rate: 100%
Project objective is to increase the capacity of the city of Haapsalu to provide support services to disadvantaged children and young people that promote inclusion in education and prevent them from leaving education early. The result of the project is a working model of cooperation and coordination between the support network of the child.
The project activities will result in the creation of an assessment tool to identify students at risk of dropping out of school and their need for services as well as in a coordination scheme to increase coherence between fields. Guidance materials (evaluation model, evaluation tools, intervention plan and action plan) have been prepared and specialists related to the provision of integrated services have been trained. The provision of support services to reduce the risk of dropping out of school with the help of the completed materials has been piloted.
Ms Epp-Mari Täht, education adviser at the Haapsalu city government
(e-mail: [email protected]; tel: +372 56 562 456)
3. Creation of a service model competence centre for children with special educational needs in Viljandi county
Project Promoter: Viljandi city government
Project partners: municipalities of Mulgi, Põhja-Sakala and Viljandi
Project duration: 03.05.2022–30.04.2024
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 203,640.00
Project grant rate: 100%
Project objective is to increase the capacity of Viljandi County municipalities to provide support services to disadvantaged children and young people, which would prevent them from dropping out of education early and promote inclusion in education. The direct goal is to develop a holistic system of support services for students with special education needs in the county.
The project activities will result in developing a service model for the provision of integrated support services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities across Viljandi county. The service model includes the fields of education, social work and health care in an integrated manner in Mulgi, Põhja-Sakala and Viljandi municipalities as well as Viljandi city. In addition, specialists will be trained within the project with whose help the service model can be implemented after its development.
As a basis for the implementation of the service model is planned to be create a competence centre that will bring together specialists to provide support services and a school for students with special educational needs as a central place of study in Viljandi.
Ms Reet Alev, development specialist of Viljandi City government (e-mail: [email protected]; tel: +372 52 86 623)
4. Integrated services to prevent early school leaving in Võru county
Project Promoter: Võru County Local Government Association
Project partners: municipalities of the Võru county (Antsla, Rõuge, Setomaa, Võru municipality and Võru city), Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund, University of Tartu, Tallinn University, Education and Youth Board and & Ms Eygló Rúnarsdóttir from the University of Iceland
Project duration: 03.05.2022–30.04.2024
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 376,602.90
Project grant rate: 100%
Project objective is to increase local governments’ capacity to prevent early school leaving among Võru County’s students through innovative support service system models. The models are based on the specifics of local governments, the possibility of digital solutions and the need for county and sectoral cooperation to ensure more effective support. The project’s starting point is to make changes in the provision of support services on an evidence-based basis, taking into account local specificities and student needs as well as valuing openness and involvement.
The project activities will result in creating and piloting service models with intervention plans to increase the availability and substantive efficiency of services. The design process of service models will be carried out with various counterparts (local government education specialists, social work, youth work, health promotion, decision-makers, representatives of parents, mental health offices, the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund and students). Also, a training programme will be compiled and implemented as well as methodological seminars will be carried out to identify the need for assistance, implement inclusion and implement effective interventions.
Ms Kerli Kõiv, Foundation Võrumaa Development Centre education innovation expert (e-mail: [email protected]; tel: +372 55 603 988)
5. Creation and piloting of Tartu county welfare programme application model
Project Promoter: Tartu city government
Project partners: Tartu County Association of Local Governments, municipalities of the Tartu county (Elva, Kambja, Kastre, Luunja, Nõo, Peipsiääre and Tartu) as well as Rekstad Consulting (NOR) and Tampere Estonian Club
Project duration: 23.05.2022–30.04.2024
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 201,669.95
Project grant rate: 100%
Project objective is to increase the well-being of children and families and improve the quality of life. The project focuses on improving the early detection and support of children’s support needs. Local level support services should be provided through a simple and logical system for children and parents, where assistance is provided proactively in a coordinated and efficient manner across sectors and local governments.
The project activities will result in the creation and piloting of an integrated case management cooperation model across the fields of education, social affairs and health care, connecting local governments of Tartu County that enhances the early detection of the need for assistance and provision of support, alleviates the shortage of support specialists in smaller local governments and reduces fragmentation of services. Additionally, a toolbox for assessment tools will be created and training will be provided for basic schoolteachers and SEN coordinators for early detection of a child’s support needs as well as SEN coordinators will be trained in key social and child protection topics.
Ms Helen Biin, Civitta Estonia Ltd senior consultant (e-mail: [email protected]; tel: +372 56 614 707)
6. Developing a cooperation model in Ida-Harju region to prevent and intervene in early school leaving
Project Promoter: Raasiku municipal government
Project partners: municipalities of Anija, Jõelähtme, Kose, Kuusalu and Loksa city as well as Foundation Bullying-Free School, School Health Care Ltd, Kehra Health Centre Ltd and Papaver Services Ltd
Project duration: 03.05.2022–30.04.2024
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 244,807.00
Project grant rate: 100%
Project objective is to increase the capacity of the municipalities of the Ida-Harju region to provide support services to disadvantaged children and young people, which prevent them from dropping out of education and promote inclusion in education.
The project activities will result in creating local cooperation model to provide integrated services for the prevention and intervention of early school leaving, training professionals involved in the provision of integrated services and piloting the developed local services to facilitate the transition of disadvantaged children and young people between education levels and from school to the world of work.
Ms Juta Asuja, head of education and social welfare department of Raasiku municipal government (e-mail: [email protected]; tel: +372 53 328 508)
Projects financed through the open call for proposals „Integrated services to support health and safety in home environment“
All submitted projects were evaluated by the following independent experts:
- Ms Gerli Lehe, adviser, Department of Children and Families, Ministry of Social Affairs;
- Ms Triinu Purru, Community and Workplace Unit, Centre for health and Welfare Promotion, National Institute for Health Development;
- Ms Heidi Rätsep, family therapist, supervisor dealing with risk families, incl. underage mothers, Caritas Estonia.
NB! Please note that Ms Triinu Purru did not evaluate the project proposal submitted by Foundation Centre for A Child’s Wellbeing.
The members of the 2nd level Selection Committee evaluation were:
- Ms Triinu Täht, adviser to the Public Health Department, Ministry of Social Affairs;
- Ms Maarja Kärson, adviser to the Department of Children and Families, Ministry of Social Affairs;
- Ms Made Bambus, chief specialist of the Department of Primary Care Services, Health Insurance Fund.
Grants were awarded to the following projects:
1. Development and Piloting of a Methodology for the Assessment and Reduction of the Risk of Injury in the Home Environment and Supporting Activities
Project Promoter: Estonian Rescue Board
Project partners: Tartu city government, Lüganuse, Saue and Muhu municipalities
Project duration: 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2023
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 345 415,20
Project grant rate: 85%
Project objective is to prevent and reduce the number of home injuries, i.e. bodily injuries caused by external factors in the home environment (incl. auxiliary buildings and the calm traffic area area). For example falls, injuries due to mechanical force, drowning and suffocation, burns, frostbite, and poisonings.
The project activities will result in creating and piloting a methodology to assess and reduce injury risks in the integrated home environment for agencies and local governments involved in reducing the risk of home safety injury risks, with special attention being paid to children up to 4 years of age, the elderly and people with special needs and the standardisation and piloting of data exchange, work processes and working equipment, between various parties.
The project will improve the awareness, ability and skills of various parties to raise the level of safety in Estonian homes and reduce the risks found in them. People’s awareness of risks, and how to avoid injuries, will also be improved.
Pille Soome
Rescue Board, Prevention Department
tel. +372 55 643 209
[email protected]
2. Home Visits by Midwives During the First Years of Life
Project Promoter: Foundation Centre for A Child’s Wellbeing
Project partners: Estonian Association of Midwives, Tartu University Hospital, Tallinn University, Tartu Health Care College, National Institute for Health Development; Viljandi and Rakvere city governments as well as Põltsamaa and Türi municipalities.
Project duration: 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2023
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 222 222,22
Project grant rate: 90%
Project objective is to create an action model for assessing and mitigating risks affecting the well-being of pregnant women and families with a child with repeated postpartum home visits carried out by a midwife in cooperation with local governments and health care institutions in different regions across Estonia.
- two assessment tools have been used for risk assessment, which can be used to screen for family risk factors before and/or following the birth of a child;
- a preparatory training plan and instructional materials for repeated home visits by the midwife have been created;
- at least 40 midwives have received training and skills for repeated home visits;
- the journey of support for a family at risk, its expected impact and applicability in Estonia are described;
- the well-being of at least 40 families has been improved through home visits by a midwife following childbirth;
- an impact assessment has been prepared and proposals have been made for the further implementation and financing of the intervention;
- at least 250 specialists from across Estonia have been notified of the new service and the principles of its implementation.
Tiina Tõemets
tel. +372 53 309 105
[email protected]
Projects financed through the small grant scheme „Developing Restorative Justice Measures in Estonia“
All submitted projects were evaluated by the following independent experts:
- Ms Annika Vanatoa, assistant prosecutor, Department for Juvenile Crimes and Crimes of Violence Committed in Close Relationships, Northern District Prosecutor's Office;
- Ms Helika Saar, manager, Children’s Rights Programme, Estonian Union for Child Welfare;
- Ms Jana Laht-Ventmann, consultant, Department for Juvenile Crimes and Crimes of Violence Committed in Close Relationships, Northern District Prosecutor's Office.
The members of the 2nd level Selection Committee evaluation were:
- Ms Laidi Surva, project manager, Criminal Policy Department, Ministry of Justice;
- Ms Anu Leps, adviser to the Criminal Policy Department, Ministry of Justice;
- Mr Andres Aru, Head of Children’s and Youth’s Rights Department, Chancellor of Justice.
1. A community based on the principles of restorative justice
Project Promoter: Police and Border Guard Board
Project partners: Haabneeme School; Kose Open Youth Centre; Kose Gymnasium; Kose Local Government; Narva Kreenholm Gymnasium; Saku Municipality Youth Centre; Viimsi Youth Centre; Viimsi Local Government
Project duration: 01.04.2021 - 31.03.2023
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 78 575
Project grant rate: 100%
Project objective is to establish local communities adhering to the restorative justice principles, being safe and putting the needs of its residents first. Conflict and misdemeanour settlement proceed from the objective of good community relations.
The project activities will result in trained specialists dealing with youth, who will be able to use the knowledge and skills acquired to resolve effectively conflicts and misdemeanours following the principles of restorative justice. A restorative justice model regarding thinking and behaviour will be developed leading to decreasing the chance of offense recurrence, improvement of community processes and higher sense of security.
Margarita Ingel
tel. +372 55 551 056
[email protected]
2. Development of a mediation model and training system
Project Promoter: Social Insurance Board
Project partners: University of Tartu; Sekretariatet for Konfliktradene (Norway)
Project duration: 01.07.2021 – 31.03.2023
Total maximum eligible project cost: 146 967 €
Project grant rate: 100%
Project objective is establishing a comprehensive training system in mediation and a high-quality and widely used mediation service.
The project activities will result in a mediation model adapted to the needs in Estonia, a training course with interactive materials, trained mediators and mediator trainers using this model, and outreach activities organised on restorative justice.
Annegrete Johanson
tel. +372 56 249 259
[email protected]
3. Development and implementation of Family Group Conference (FGC) method as an approach to restorative justice
Project Promoter: NGO Prevention Centre
Project partners: Hiiumaa Social Centre; Social Welfare and Health Care Department of Tallinn; Directorate of Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Norway)
Project duration: 01.04.2023 - 31.03.2023
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 142 348,4
Project grant rate: 88,31%
Project objective is to implement the Family Group Conference (FGC) method as a family-based approach to restorative justice to support and empower family networks in solving the issues of children and juveniles that have committed legal offences.
The project activities will result in enabling children/young people and their families access to support based on restorative justice via the FGC method, empowering families to take more responsibility and make use of the resources in their family network to improve the situation of children. Also, an implementation system to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of FGC as a restorative justice method in Estonia will be developed and piloted, FGC coordinators, supervisors and trainers will be trained.
Elo Lättemägi
tel. +372 50 83 656
[email protected]
Projects financed through the open call „Historic old town centres with cultural heritage protection areas“
All submitted projects were evaluated by the following independent experts:
Ms Maris Mändel, PhD, head of architectural conservation in-service training courses, Estonian Academy of Arts;
- Ms Helen Haab, School of Natural Sciences and Health (SNSH), research coordinator, Tallinn University.
The members of the 2nd level Selection Committee evaluation were:
- Ms Liina Jänes, adviser to the Cultural Heritage Department, Ministry of Culture;
- Ms Nele Rent, member of the Estonian National Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS);
- Mr Siim Raie, head of the Estonian National Heritage Board.
1.Renovation of the spirits barn of the Lihula manor into community handicraft centre and heritage protection information centre
Project Promoter: Lääneranna municipality
Project partners: NGO Paide Unit of Information Centre for Sustainable Renovation; The National Trust of Norway: Oslo and Akershus (Fortidsminneforeningen Oslo og Akershus)
Project duration: 01.05.2021 - 30.04.2024
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 833 332,50
Project grant rate: 80%
Project objective of the project is to increase the attractiveness of Lihula as a living and visiting environment by fixing up the oldest settlement’s heritage conservation area. During the project, Lihula Manor’s historical vodka granary shall be renovated to become the community’s handicraft house and heritage conservation information centre.
The project activities will result in a completely renovated vodka granary of Lihula Manor, which has been made accessible to both local people and visitors. The project impact is an increased number of visitors and new jobs (3 handicraft masters). In total, 333 square metres shall be renovated in the building and this shall include wood workshop and classroom, restoration examples hall, meeting room, pottery oven and workshop and forge.
Marika Valk
Lääneranna Muuseumid
tel. +372 50 28 475
[email protected]
2. Renovation of a historical wooden building at Kesk str 19, Valga
Project Promoter: Valga municipality
Project partners: Fredrikstad Commune (NOR)
Project duration: 17.05.2021 - 30.04.2024
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 598 349
Project grant rate: 80%
Project objective is to restore the town’s oldest wooden building located in the heritage conservation area in the heart of Valga and give the building back its former function as a commercial space.
- The project activities will result in saving the oldest building of Valga from perishing. The historical building’s architectural solution, appearance, and function has become appropriate for the historical centre and the building will – as a commercial and community space – enliven Valga old town and increase the attractiveness of the central square for both citizens and tourists.
Lea Vutt
Valga vallavalitsus
tel. +372 58 874 836
[email protected]
3. Renovation of Kuressaare port warehouse at Veski str 9
Project Promoter: Kuressaare Port Warehouse Ltd
Project partners: Estonian Academy of Arts, Foundation Kuressaare Theatre
Project duration: 03.05.2021 - 30.04.2024
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 957 200,86
Project grant rate: 68,88%
Project objective is to enliven the Kuressaare heritage conservation area by renovating Kuressaare Sadamaait, which is one of the oldest buildings in the city, and starting to use the building to serve the needs of the local community.
As a result, one of the oldest civil buildings of Kuressaare, the Kuressaare port warehouse, which was built in 1663, shall become one of Kuressaare’s representative buildings, but why not also its symbol in addition to the Kuressaare city hall, weighing house, and market building, offering exciting architecture, joy of discovery through different activities/events, and beauty in the city.
Alo Ehasoo
tel. +372 53 444 424
[email protected]
4. Holistic lifestyle centre (Tolli str 4, Kuressaare)
Project Promoter: Holisticum Ltd
Project partners: Virk Ltd, Mr Rene Bürkland, Mr Sigmund Kristoffer Vatvedt
Project duration: 03.05.2021 - 15.01.2024
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 763 757,43
Project grant rate: 71,57%
Project objective is to enliven the Kuressaare heritage conservation area by restoring and fixing up the Tolli 4 building, located in the heritage conservation area, as sustainably as possible, and by retaining the old constructions. According to the concept planned for the building a health improvement centre shall be established within the historical walls, operating all year round and providing off-season holiday options, not climate-dependent, for both domestic and foreign tourists.
The project activities will result in the renovated building becoming a lifestyle centre that offers health improvement, but it shall also become a so-called community building, the public services of which give additional value to locals, domestic and foreign tourists.
Kati Mäekallas
tel. +372 50 97 878
[email protected]
5. Establishing a community centre for Paide SRIK
Project Promoter: NGO Paide Unit of Information Centre for Sustainable Renovation
Project partners: NGO Information Centre for Sustainable Renovation, Järvamaa Vocational Training Centre, Lääneranna municipality, Paide city government
Project duration: 14.05.2021 - 30.04.2024
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 422 910,50
Project grant rate: 80%
Project objective is to restore a historical building in Paide old town, located on the main street (Tallinna 13) and start using it as an example of good renovating practices and the community centre of Paide SRIK where community activities that support sustainable renovation and the development of Paide old town and city centre.
As a result of the project, the building at Tallinna str 13 has been restored properly both outside and inside and opened as an example of good renovation practices to everyone. In co-operation with the local community, Paide SRIK operates in the building, counselling the owners of historical buildings, organising sustainable renovation training and other events, selling goods and old material needed to restore an old house. To involve the community, a club of old house owners shall be relaunched, regular meetings, study days, “DIY builder’s information days”, and other joint events with community members shall be organised. The building’s rooms shall be rented out for community events, and also to the partners of Paide SRIK (including as shared offices). The community centre shall also become a stronghold for other community initiatives in Paide (including the Opinion Festival).
Rainer Eidemiller
tel.+372 56 658 752
[email protected]
6. Development of an historic inn in Võru at F. R. Kreutzwaldi str 52 into a guest house and a remote workplace
Project Promoter: Freinhold House Ltd
Project partners: F&B Advisory Ltd, Foundation Võru Kannel, Ms Lisanna Elm, Mr Elmar Luide
Project duration: 03.05.2021 - 30.06.2024
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 705 241
Project grant rate: 67%
Project objective is the development of the historical building located in the Võru old town heritage conservation area at 52 Fr. R. Kreutzwald Street (former guest house “London”) to become an outstanding modern and attractive guesthouse and teleworking centre.
The project activities will result in a unique building in Võru old town been taken into use in new public functions, creating good prerequisites to improve the living and business environment.
Services provided in the building correspond to the expectations of local people and spark travel motivation in the current and future visitors of Võru. The teleworking office service has filled a void in the city and helps to enliven the local business landscape. To make Freinhold House more famous and boost the reputation of Võru region as a good place for living and working, a collaboration platform with Southeast Estonia’s teleworking places network.
As a new service and an event venue, the so-called food academy has been added as a place for learning to cook. Good prerequisites for using the object as a traineeship location for chefs to-be and serious cooking enthusiasts have been created.
Sander Tiisler
tel. +372 53 311 935
[email protected]
7. Development of the museum of Mr Evald Okas into a year-round art centre
Project Promoter: NGO The Museum of Mr Evald Okas
Project partners: Haapsalu City Government, Estonian Academy of Arts, Consumer Cooperative of Haapsalu, Apslund Ltd, EHTO Ltd, Est-Trans Goods Transport Ltd, HEAL Ltd, Morobell Ltd, TRADILO Ltd, Mr Veiko Tishler
Project duration: 01.05.2021 - 30.04.2024
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 682 104,00
Project grant rate: 69,43%
Project objective is to restore a building in the heritage conservation area on the high street of Haapsalu old town, which has been a significant landmark for more than a century, and thus create a year-round art centre with permanent exhibition, exhibition halls, studio and course space and an art library in the heart of Haapsalu old town. With this project, the building’s original exterior is maintained as well as the historical details renovated and restored. Additionally, the building is enriched with a modern function and ease of use. So far, the building has only been used in the summer months, but after the project it shall be usable all year round.
As a result of project activities, the building will be renovated and insulated with heating and ventilation systems in place as well as better access to the building.
Ülla Paras
tel. +372 53 462 673
[email protected]
Projects financed through the open call for proposals „Awareness raising activities on domestic violence and to discourage the demand for commercial sex“
All submitted projects were evaluated by the following independent experts:
- Ms Anu Leps, Adviser, Criminal Policy Department, Ministry of Justice;
- Ms Kaire Tamm, Adviser, Criminal Policy Department, Ministry of Justice.
The members of the 2nd level Selection Committee evaluation were:
- Ms Kristiina Luht, Head of Victim Support Policy, Equality Policies Department, Ministry of Social Affairs;
- Ms Grete Kaju, Adviser to the Equality Policies Department, Ministry of Social Affairs;
- Ms Freja Ulvestad Kärki, Representative of the Norwegian Directorate of Health.
Grant was awarded to the following project:
Awareness raising activities on domestic violence and discouraging the demand for commercial sex
Project Promoter: NGO Lifeline (Eluliin)
Project partners: NGO Estonian Women’s Studies and Resource Centre; NGO Estonian Civics Teachers Association, Idea AD Ltd; Re:Media (Norway)
Project duration: 03.05.2021 – 31.12.2022
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 222 222
Project grant rate: 90%
- to reduce domestic violence and gender-based violence in Estonian society, conducting a campaign that also involves men as positive role models;
- to reduce the demand for the buying of sex and raise awareness of the topics of human trafficking committed for the purpose of prostitution and sexual exploitation;
- to create short films directed at children and young people on the topic of domestic violence, which address different aspects of domestic violence and make viewers think about and discuss domestic and gender-based violence.
The project activities will result in raising people’s awareness of domestic violence and prostitution and the human trafficking that is associated with it. During the project, various groups in society will be informed in both Estonian and Russian. Outreach activities use both traditional and ambient media, in addition to online and social media, as well as outreach events.
Eda Mölder
tel. +372 52 19 762
[email protected]
Projects financed through the small grant scheme „Implementation of Vocational Orientation Curriculum in Vocational Education Institutions“
All submitted projects were evaluated by the following independent experts:
Ms Jane Kallion, chief expert, vocational education office, department of secondary education, Ministry of Education and Research;
- Ms Ülle Laas, chief expert, department of state schools, Ministry of Education and Research.
The members of the 2nd level Selection Committee evaluation were:
- Ms Rita Kask, adviser to the vocational education office, department of secondary education, Ministry of Education and Research;
- Ms Kersti Raudsepp, chief expert of the department of state schools, Ministry of Education and Research;
- Ms Kristina Orion, deputy chief of the skills development and career services department, Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund.
Grants have been awarded to implement and develop the vocational orientation curriculum in vocational education institutions with the to support the continuation of education or form readiness for labour market after basic school of young people of low level of education and those who belong to a risk group. The main task of the vocational orientation study is to support each student in choosing a career in cooperation with external partners and companies.
The grant rate of projects supported is 100%.
Financed vocational education institutions
1. Pärnumaa Vocational Education and Training Centre (in partnership with Hiiumaa Vocational School)
Project duration: 09.03.2021-30.04.2024
Grant awarded: € 241 686
Training places supported: 59
Project manager
Ms Anu Kukk
tel. +372 56 495 880
[email protected]
Project duration: 12.03.2021-28.02.2024
Grant awarded: € 218 536
Training places supported: 50,5
Project manager
Ms Ksenia George
tel. +372 58 541 134
[email protected]
Project duration: 01.07.2021-30.04.2024
Grant awarded: € 188 904
Training places supported: 48
Project manager
Ms Ülle Kramer
tel. +372 56 877 910
[email protected]
Toetatavate koolituskohtade arv: 36
Ülle Kramer
tel. +372 56 877 910
[email protected]
Project duration: 09.03.2021-31.07.2023
Grant awarded: € 101 860
Training places supported: 22
Project manager
Ms Siret Lillemäe
tel. +372 7 850 821
[email protected]
Project duration: 12.03.2021-30.04.2024
Grant awarded: € 177 792
Training places supported: 44
Project manager
Ms Kelly Konetski-Ramul
tel. +372 56 875 499)
[email protected]
Project duration: 01.09.2021-29.02.2024
Grant awarded: € 166 680
Training places supported: 36
Project manager
Ms Ülle Ojamäe
tel. +372 56 643 800
[email protected]
Project duration: 01.04.2021-29.09.2023
Grant awarded: € 148 160
Training places supported: 32
Project manager
Ms Juta Vallikivi
tel. +372 53 064 838
[email protected]
Project duration: 10.03.2021-31.08.2023
Grant awarded: € 101 860
Training places supported: 22
Project manager
Ms Jana Liiksaar
tel. +372 56 225 107
[email protected]
Project duration: 22.03.2021-30.04.2024
Grant awarded: € 125 010
Training places supported: 27
Project manager
Ms Marju Põld
+372 53 012 776
[email protected]
Project duration: 01.08.2021-01.07.2023
Grant awarded: € 194 460
Training places supported: 42
Project manager
Mr Sergei Jegorovtsev
tel. +372 56 265 707
[email protected]
Project duration: 01.04.2021-31.08.2023
Grant awarded: € 101 860
Training places supported: 22
Project manager
Ms Margit Väikmeri
tel. +372 56 501 366
[email protected]
Project duration: 05.04.2021-30.04.2024
Grant awarded: € 101 860
Training places supported: 22
Project manager
Ms Hiie Taniloo
tel. +372 53 487 072
[email protected]
Projects financed through the small grant scheme „Training of domestic violence specialists and establishment of a programme(s) for sex buyers“
All submitted projects were evaluated by the following independent experts:
- Ms Kadri-Ann Lee, Adviser, Public Order and Criminal Policy Department, Ministry of the Interior
- Ms Andrea Kink, Service Manager, Victim Support and Prevention Services Department, Social Insurance Board
The members of the 2nd level Selection Committee evaluation were:
- Ms Kristiina Luht, Head of Victim Support Policy, Equality Policies Department, Ministry of Social Affairs;
- Ms Grete Kaju, Adviser to the Equality Policies Department, Ministry of Social Affairs;
- Ms Freja Ulvestad Kärki Representative of the Norwegian Directorate of Health.
1. Raising the Awareness of Estonian Specialists about Domestic Violence
Project promoter: NGO VAITER
Project partners: Marta Centre (Latvia)
Project duration: 01.09.2021 –28.02.2023
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 66 000
Project grant rate: 90%
Project objective is to reduce domestic and gender violence in Estonian society and increase the awareness of specialists about domestic and gender violence.
- Training of at least 310 specialists who become more aware of domestic and gender violence and the related causes, consequences, possibilities for assistance, avoidance of re-victimisation, and options to enhance inter-agency cooperation, namely:
- training of at least 60 specialists (at least 30 specialists in a single group) twice as part of the training programme of 36 academic hours in two regions of Estonia (Northern Estonia and Southern Estonia);
- training of at least 250 specialists (at least 25 specialists in a single group) 10 times as part of the training days of 6 academic hours in six regions of Estonia (Northern Estonia, Southern Estonia, Eastern Estonia, Western Estonia, Central Estonia, Saaremaa and Hiiumaa).
Õnne Liv Valberg
tel. +372 5635 8318
[email protected]
2. Raising the Awareness of Estonian Specialists about Domestic Violence
Project promoter: NGO Pärnu Women Support Centre
Project partners: Rótin - félag um málefni kvenna með áfengis- og fíknivanda (Iceland), NGO Women’s Support and Information Centre, NGO Protecting Violence-free Life
Project duration: 01.02.2021 –31.10.2022
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 63 815,37
Project grant rate: 90%
Project objective is to raise the awareness of specialists about domestic violence and, therefore, to build a more secure society. Mindful specialist not only address the consequences, but also contribute to prevention through their opportunity to intervene at an earlier stage of violence, where it is easier to reverse the damage and the possible victims will not suffer mentally to the same extent as those experiencing violence for a long period of time. In the long run, awareness and prevention contribute to reducing violence in society, saving public funds at the expense of constantly addressing the consequences of violence, and ensuring a sense of security for people.
- The project activities will result in the training of at least 200 specialists. At least 125 specialists have been trained in four regions. In addition, six separate training events on experiential training, training on violence, trauma, and drug abuse, training on the impact of violence on children and training events on cooperation mechanisms with a total of 75 participants have been carried out.
Mari Puniste
tel. +372 5198 6544
[email protected]
3. Social Programme SPSV
Project promoter: NGO Lifeline
Project partners: none
Project duration: 01.02.2021-29.07.2022
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 50 462
Project grant rate: 90%
Project objective is to establish a social programme to reduce the demand for trafficking in human beings. The broader objective of the project is to prevent and combat human trafficking and the resulting demand for prostitution in Estonia.
- Establishing and piloting a programme for sex buyers to change their attitudes and behaviour. A total of 12 sex buyers will participate and pass the programme. As part of the project, a handbook on the implementation of the social programme will be established, containing theoretical, methodological, and visual material to further carry out the social programme in the future.
Eda Mölder
tel. +372 521 9762
[email protected]
Historic Town Centres Revitalised Through Heritage-led Local Development
Project name: Historic Town Centres Revitalised Through Heritage-led Local Development
Programme outcome: Historic town centres revitalised through heritage-based local development at local level
Project Promoter: National Heritage Board
Donor project partners: Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage
Project duration: 36 months (April 30, 2023)
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 448,900
Project grant rate: 100%
Project is financed from the EEA Grants FM
Revitalising historic town centres and increase knowledge about potential new uses of heritage assets and heritage-led local development more broadly.
Increased access to information about conservation areas through publications and web-based information.
Improved access to information about restoration of heritage buildings as well as opportunities of heritage-led development and co-creation.
Increased visibility of conservation areas in urban space through improved signage.
Increased understanding of the relevance of community engagement and heritage in local development.
Increased engagement in heritage led activities.
Heritage management reinforced and the 9 target local authorities supported in their work on heritage-led local development of historic town centres through development of stronger professional networks.
Increased knowledge about new uses of heritage assets and heritage-led local development among heritage experts, local population and other stakeholders.
Improved skills in heritage management, heritage-led development and heritage education through workshops in target towns.
Improved networks between heritage professionals in Estonia and Norway.
Triinu Viires
National Heritage Board
project manager in the field of buildings
tel. +372 56 189 564
[email protected]
Specialised juvenile justice approach established
Project name: Specialised juvenile justice approach established
Programme outcome: Enhanced wellbeing of children and youth
Project Promoter: Ministry of Justice
Donor project partners: Mediation and Reconciliation Services (NOR), Oslo Police District
Estonian project partners: Social Insurance Board, State Prosecutor’s Office
Project duration: 54 months (ends April 2024)
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 4,782,637
Project grant rate: 100%
Project is financed from the Norway Grants FM.
See also Ministry of Justice project homepage here.
Establishment of a specialised juvenile justice approach and the implementation of juvenile justice reform in Estonia with a focus on the most vulnerable young offenders.
Being in contact with the criminal justice system can have an impact on a young person’s life. Over-involvement with the juvenile justice system, and ineffective response or inadequate support by the system may increase the likelihood of reoffending, secondary or repeated victimization and exclusion from social and education system.
The project will support the specialized juvenile justice approach in practice to ensure minimal negative effects for youth and support positive development. The implementation of juvenile justice reform in Estonia is carried out in accordance with international standards.
- A training programme for professionals working with youth in contact with the law, including technical assistance (coaching/mentoring and supervision), and the strengthening of capacity on strategic planning, coordination and monitoring in the juvenile justice system;
- The development of tools for evaluation and multi-agency cooperation, including a system for risk assessment of young offenders in pre-trial proceedings (validation of instruments, piloting and training);
- The establishment of alternative interventions to fines and institutionalisation for youth, including short-term behaviour-based interventions applicable by police or in cooperation with other sectors such as healthcare, schools, youth work. The project will support access to multi-dimensional family therapy approaches to youth offenders on probation and capacity-building for professionals working with youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities (awareness raising, training and adjustment of interventions);
- The establishment of a volunteer mediators system aimed at developing a restorative approach to juvenile justice and better access to mediation;
- Improving conditions in closed facilities for children and youth as an alternative to prison, including the introduction of in-treatment methods and services aimed at re-socialisation, and specialised training for prison staff to work with institutionalised youth.
Hanna Marii Ilves
Ministry of Justice
project manager
tel. +372 620 8176
[email protected]
Increasing physical activity of schoolchildren
Project name: Increasing physical activity of schoolchildren
Programme outcome: Improved quality of integrated services and public health interventions at local level
Project Promoter: University of Tartu
Donor project partners: University of South-Eastern Norway
Project duration: 52 months (ends April 30, 2024)
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 2,702,905.93
Project grant rate: 85%
Project is financed from the EEA Grants FM.
Initiating and supporting change in school culture all over Estonia that encourages physical activity of students as a natural part of a school day by developing, disseminating and implementing the principles of the model “Schools in Motion”.
School culture that supports physical activity throughout the school-day offers motion through active school paths, active classes, active recess, physical activity education as well as engaging the school personnel and changing the physical environment of the school premises.
The long term objective of the project activities is to raise the healthy life years and life expectancy in Estonia and to reduce the inequalities in health by increasing the selection of available physical activity opportunities among children and youth.
the development and dissemination of the model „Schools in Motion” (SiM);
the development of tool for the implementation of the model;
the development of training programme and –materials for various target groups (teachers, management board of schools, “play leaders” in schools, activity leaders, SiM teams, parents, local governments);
SiM model is publicly available with user guidance materials;
SiM model is introduced and taken into use in at least 140 general education schools all over Estonia (both in Estonian and Russian language based schools) to apply systematically knowledge-based activities and support the change in school culture that encourages physical activity of students.
Riina Järvela
Tartu Ülikool
sporditeaduste ja füsioteraapia instituudi liikumislabor
tel. +372 529 5091
[email protected]
Development of evaluation model and handling system for chronically mentally ill patients
Project name: Development of evaluation model and handling system for chronically mentally ill patients
Programme outcome: Improved quality of integrated services and public health interventions at local level
Project Promoter: Viljandi Hospital
Donor partners: Estonian Psychiatric Association
Project duration: 40 months (April 30, 2024)
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 373,478.10
Project grant rate: 85%
Project is financed from the Norway Grants FM
Establishment of an uniform, evidence-based and cross-sectoral system of out-patient services for long-term mentally ill patients subjected to coercive treatment linking out-patient and stationary coercive treatment as well as community support services.
Development of an evaluation model and handling system for out-patient psychiatric coercive treatment;
Piloting out-patient psychiatric coercive treatment model by cross-sectoral teams on at least 10 patients from different regions of Estonia;
Training of cross-sectoral teams, social workers and family members of patients in regard to contemporary and personalised consulting techniques when dealing with patients/clients with chronical mental illness;
Cross-sectoral teams (specialists from health care, social care and the judicial sector sectors at local and regional level) supporting chronically mentally ill patients during and after their psychiatric coercive treatment;
Development and implementing of a model for a multidisciplinary forensic psychiatric committee to improve the quality of psychiatric evaluation, to ensure proper judiciary procedures and to secure the human rights of patients in the use of coercion during treatment;
Adaptation process of 6 of evidence-based evaluation instruments is prepared and the validation process of these instruments has been launched to accommodate them to the Estonian needs.
Aneth Tuurmaa
Head of Support Services in Treatment,
Psychiatry Clinic,
Viljandi Hospital
E-mail: [email protected];
telephone: +372 556 54 642
Strengthening the victim support system
Project name: Strengthening the victim support system
Programme outcome: Reduced domestic and gender-based violence and gender inequalities
Project Promoter: Social Insurance Board
Donor project partners: Norwegian Center for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies
Project duration: 52 months (ends April 30, 2024)
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 385,755
Project grant rate: 100%
Project is financed from the EEA Grants FM.
The project will improve the system for support to victims of domestic and gender-based violence to ensure a systematic, sustainable and coordinated approach to combat such violence in order to break the chain of violence, re-victimization and support the self-sufficient life of persons who have experienced this violence.
the development of quality measuring tool for the shelter services and counselling for staff;
the establishment of a volunteer support system for working with victims of domestic and gender-based violence;
the development of guidelines and training for medical professionals in the health care system on early detection and intervention of domestic violence;
the establishment and implementation of a programme for perpetrators of domestic violence.
Liis Sild
ohvriabi ja ennetusteenuste osakond
tel. 5194 9691
[email protected]
Increasing public health competence and capacity of local governments
Project name: Increasing public health competence and capacity of local governments
Programme outcome: Improved quality of integrated services and public health interventions at local level
Project Promoter: National Institute for Health Development
Donor project partner: Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Project duration: 47 months (April 30, 2024)
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 1,410,969
Project grant rate: 100%
Project is financed from the Norway Grants FM.
Increase the focus on public health in local governments and to enhance the capacity in evidence-based planning and interventions on health at local level.
Local level analysis and guidelines offering counties and local governments systemic and knowledge based information on the health state, health behaviour and the risk factors affecting the people living in a concrete region;
Raised capacity of local governments in analysing welfare, health and (social) security of their people and planning adequate interventions (inter-sectoral strategic planning, developing cooperation networks, resource management etc.);
Piloting an intervention „Toybox“ for kids of 4-6 years of age in kindergartens. Engaging also parents of the kids, the objective of the intervention is to prevent overweight already starting from early childhood by guiding children’s behaviour in regard to scientifically associated with factors of obesity.
Agne Kivisaar
Tervise Arengu Instituut
tervise ja heaolu edendamise keskuse
paikkonna ja töökohtade valdkonna projektijuht
tel. +372 659 3809
[email protected]
Establishment of a renewed family mediation system
Project name: Establishment of a renewed family mediation system
Programme outcome: Enhanced wellbeing of children and youth
Project Promoter: Social Insurance Board
Project duration: 48 months (ends February 4, 2024)
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 400,643
Project grant rate: 100%
Project is financed from the EEA Grants FM.
The establishment of a renewed system for professional family mediation and increase accessibility aimed at settling disputes between parents in regard to their children out of court – child’s place of residence, interaction between parents themselves, alimony and other essential questions related to raising a child.
the establishment of a national renewed management and financing system for professional family mediation;
the availability of the service has widened and the awareness of the target groups (i.e. parents and specialists) has been raised and therefore the readiness to make use of the service has increased;
a training programme of family mediators will be developed within the project and overall 40 mediators have passed the training, 20 of whom are ready to offer the service in Russian. The piloting phase will include also at least 600 families having already received family mediation.
Ms Tuuli-Brit Vaga
Social Insurance Board
Children's Welfare Department
counsellor at the Family Reconciliation Team
tel. +372 53 073 192
[email protected]
Virtual competence centre of gender equality
Project name: Virtual competence centre of gender equality
Programme outcome: Reduced domestic and gender-based violence and gender inequalities
Project Promoter: Ministry of Social Affairs
Donor Project Partner: Kilden (Norway)
Project duration: 35 months (ends February 28, 2023)
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 349,245
Project grant rate: 100%
Project is financed from the Norway Grants FM.
A Virtual Competence Centre of Gender Equality that will offer a one-stop-shop to raise awareness of different target groups and stakeholders essential for promoting gender equality in the society, and to provide selected stakeholders, such as state and local government level policymakers, teachers/career counsellors and employers with a necessary know-how.
In addition to gender equality related research and data, the competence centre will make available online trainings
An innovative and user-friendly virtual competence centre using tools to enable independent studying contributing to the provision of flexible, continuous and sustainable awareness raising of gender equality.
an online interactive gender equality database for Estonia;
training courses on gender equality for teachers/career counsellors, policy makers and employers;
online tool for awareness-raising on gender stereotypes that are contributing to gender pay gap;
a representative survey on attitudes towards gender equality in 2021 in Estonia;
high-quality discussion articles based on the data from the survey.
Grete Kaju
tel. +372 626 9152
[email protected]
Trauma-informed counselling in educational support services
Programme outcome: Enhanced wellbeing of children and youth
Project Promoter: Education and Youth Board
Project Partner: NGO Laste ja Noorte Kriisiprogramm (Crisis Programme for Children and Youth)
Project duration: 13,5 months (ends April 30, 2024)
Total maximum eligible project cost: € 201,143.00
Project grant rate: 100%
Project is financed from the EEA Grants FM
Project will increase the capacity of education and youth institutions to provide trauma-informed support to children and adolescents. In order to do that The Education and Youth Board nationwide Rajaleidja network crisis team is empowered with trainings (including EMDR for children).
The project activities will result in a cross-sectorial cooperation model in order to solve crisis situations in education institutions.
Project activities shall include:
· Design of a cross-sectoral cooperation model for intervention in crisis situations in educational institutions;
· Information seminars for the teams of educational and youth work institutions;
· Training of experts on the Teaching Recovery Techniques model;
· Elaboration of a training programme to increase trauma-awareness
· Training of Education and Youth Board’s Rajaleidja crisis team to support the regional teams of support specialists at educational institutions;
· Training of Rajaleidja experts on EMDR children's trauma therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing);
· Preparation of guidance materials.
Ms Tiina Kütt
Head of Educational Counselling Services
Education and Health Board
E-mail: [email protected]
Last updated: 07.06.2024